This is not a copy of anyone else's stone lists, nor a cookie cutter version of correspondances and properties. This is my list of stones, based on my own feelings and experiences. Therefore they'll differ from other stone lists. I am only listing here the stones I own and have worked with. This list is not meant to be definitive - if you would like more information about a particular stone, I recommend looking at Melody's book Love Is In the Earth.
There are two basic energies that stones possess. They are either projective, or receptive.
Projective stones can be used in healing others, protection, intellectual powers, luck, success, will power, courage, and for self-confidence. Projective stones tend to be strong, outgoing, and forceful.
Receptive stones draw energy towards themselces and can be used for healing the self, soothing, love, wisdom, compassion, eloquence, sleep, dreams, friendship, growth, fertility, prosperity, spirituality, psychism, and mysticism. Receptive stones are calm, inward, and peaceful.
That being said, gemstones often connect with people in unique ways - they might be both projective and receptive, or you might find they will project for one and recieve for another. It's always worth trying out a stone to see what it does (or doesn't) do for you.
Abalone Shell
Receptive Element: Water Healing, shapeshifting; associated with Raven. A shell. Agate (general)
Projective Element: Earth Mostly just a grounding stone - specific agates may differ
Blue Lace Agate
Projective Element: Air Calming, reduces anxiety.
Fire Agate
Projective Element: Fire Energy, warmth, strength, and courage. Protective, in a layered way.
Receptive Element: Water Empowerment, balancing the throat and heart chakras together, removing blocks.
Projective Element: Fire/Spirit Happiness, healing esp. chest and throat, beauty, amplification
Receptive Element: Water Joy, love, cleansing, healing, light, divine connections, astral work, dreams
Receptive/Projective Element: Water/Air Balance between emotions and logic, masculine and feminine; healing
Apache's Tear
Projective Element: Fire Protection, cleansing, warding, grounding
Projective Element: Air Clear thought, intellectual pursuits, clear speaking of thoughts, focus.
Aqua Aura
Projective Element: ? Connection to spirit, psychic vision, throat and third eye chakra.
Receptive Element: Water Peace, balance, emotional healing, purification
Projective Element: Earth Centering, aids self-esteem. Relieves anger and stress. Prevents nightmares.
Aventurine (green)
Projective Element: Earth Prosperity, luck, wealth.
Aventurine (red)
Projective Element: Fire Energy, assertiveness, creativity.
Aventurine (white)
Projective Element: Air Calming, clarity.
Receptive Element: Water Psychic energy, psychic skills, enhancing gifts. Third eye.
Projective Element: Earth Healing, esp. blood-related, strength
BronziteReceptive Element: Earth Grounding, harmony, reduces tension. Promotes positive action and change.
Blue Calcite:
Receptive Element: Water Healing, peace, sleep
Golden/Honey Calcite:
Projective Element: Earth Healing, sun connections, eases depression
Green Calcite:
Receptive Element: Earth Prosperity, luck, cleansing
Projective Element: Fire Strength, courage, creativity
Receptive Element: Air Contacting higher planes. Cleansing. Meditation; lowers fear and worry.
Blue Chalcedony
Receptive Element: Water A strong healing stone, especially for emotional or empathic pain. Soothing, and calm.
Projective Element: Earth Also called peacock ore. Related to copper. Strengthens perception and intuition.
Receptive Element: Water Emphasizes positive feminine aspects. Emotional balance, and healing. Communication.
Projective Element: Earth Good fortune and luck. Happiness and creativity. Kindness.
Receptive Element: Earth Joy, friendship, good luck, prosperity.
Projective Element: Fire Assertiveness; enhances dignity and bearing. Prosperity, wealth, success in business.
Projective Element: Air Healing, communication, light.
Projective Element: Earth Great conductor of energy, charges stones when left with them, good in stone matrix layouts. Also related to Venus, and communication.
Receptive Element: Water Soft, flowing energy; unblocks things from the top down. Crown chakra; pink danburite is heart-chakra related.
Receptive Element: Earth A healer of the heart chakra, useful for cleansing. Good for working around anger or stubbornness.
Receptive Element: Earth Love, often associated with Venus and the heart chakra. Also for eyesight.
Projective Element: Earth Increase and growth; opens doors previously closed. Promotes patience, aids in ending panic attacks.
Projective Element: Air/Water Healing, cleansing, esp. auric and chakra, amplifies other stones.
Projective Element: Fire Love, lust, strength, courage
Garnet (green)
Receptive Element: Earth/Water Prosperity, comfort, compassion and charity.
Receptive Element: Water Very useful for diabetics; helps to regulate sugar levels. Also encourages creative activity.
Hawk's Eye (Blue Tiger's Eye)
Projective Element: Air Protection, warding, strength
Receptive Element: Earth Grounding, protection, dispells negativity
Receptive Element: Water Positive self-image. Joy and creativity. Healing. Repels malice.
Herkimer Diamond (Quartz)
Projective Element: Air Promotes clarity of thought and purpose. Balancing and cleansing. Attunement.
Receptive Element: Air Purity, strength, density. Cleansing.
Infinite Stone
Receptive Element: Earth Composed of serpentine and chrysotile.
Healing, especially of joints and bones. Relief of pain, especially chronic.
Two shades: the lighter stone is gentle, the darker more concentrated.
Receptive Element: Water Happiness, joy, compassion, spiritual love, storm magic.
Projective Element: Earth Prosperity, peace, joy, love, and luck. Jasper
Protective, nuturing stone in many vareties.
Brown Jasper
Receptive Element: Earth Grounding, balancing.
Leopard Jasper
Projective Element: Earth Shapeshifter energies. Aids creativity and visualization.
Red Jasper
Projective Element: Fire Justice, friendship, balance.
Yellow Jasper
Projective Element: Air Promotes positive energy and self-image. Strength.
Receptive Element: Earth Protection, Grounding. Balance stone to clear quartz.
Receptive Element: Earth Peace, love, and harmony, all at once. Very soft, delicate.
Projective Element: Air Aligns chakras instantly. Never needs cleansing. Communication and clarity. Green variety works more gently on an emotional level, and is receptive rather than projective. Black kyanite grounds strongly as well as cleansing.
Receptive Element: Water Projection, shapeshifting, storms, weather, celestial energy, astral magic.
Lapis Lazuli
Projective Element: Water Opening the third eye, enhances psychic gifts, increases visions, healing; headaches and pain.
Projective Element: Water Darkness, rain, shadows...strange deep energy, similar to labradorite but grounding, rather than ascendant.
Projective Element: Spirit Acceptance of transition or change. Transformation. Clear thought.
Projective Element: Earth Grounding and protection, reflecting spells.
Projective Element: Earth Strongly protective, especially for travellers.
Pink Manganocalcite
Receptive Element: Water Soft, gentle energy, especially for the heart chakra. Calming and healing, for the physical body and the spirit. Eases anxiety. Sometimes called the "Reiki Stone".
Moonstone (regular and rainbow)
Receptive Element: Water Cleansing, moon magic, dreams, healing.
Moss AgateBlack Moss Agate
Projective Element: Earth Courage, physical strength, power. Green Moss Agate
Receptive Element: Earth Love, healing, emotional strength, rest.
Obsidian (Black, Rainbow, Mahogany, Snowflake)
Projective Element: Earth/Fire Grounding, protection, defense.
Receptive Element: Earth Grounding, protection, defense. Balance stone to clear quartz.
Receptive Element: Water/Spirit Journeying, divination, visualization, beauty, grace.
Receptive Element: Earth Healing of body and spirit. Compassion. Harmony in relationships.
Projective Element: Earth Strengthens and increases energy. Useful for dreamwork and spirit communication.
Projective Element: Fire/Earth Eases anxiety, calms. Protection, cleansing of negativity, grounding.
The most common type of stone on Earth.
Blue Quartz
Receptive Element: Water/Air Eases pain, worry, promotes calm. Healing. Spiritual growth, meditation.
Clear Quartz
Projective/Receptive Element: All Power stone, energizes, cleanses, clears. Amplifies and focuses energy. Meditation, healing.
Golden Healer Quartz
Projective/Receptive Element: All Superb healing crystal. Aligns chakras. Strengthens solar plexus chakra specifically.
Green Quartz
Receptive Element: Earth Healing, peace, calm.
Rose Quartz
Receptive Element: Water Love, emotional healing, friendship, calm.
Rutile Quartz
Projective Element: Air/Fire Martial stone, power, strength.
Smoky Quartz
Receptive Element: Earth/Air Cleansing toxins and negativity,healing, breaking old habits and addictions. Grounding. balance.
Snow Quartz
Receptive Element: Water Peace, cleansing. Innocence. Destroys anxiety and worry. Clarity.
Tourmalined Quartz
Projective Element: Earth An amazing healer, that also dispels negativity along with illness and pain. Grounding.
Projective Element: Earth Promotes emotional and spiritual love, heals sexual and emotional dysfunction. Clears the heart chakra.
Projective Element: Fire Courage, honour, integrity, leadership, power.
Projective Element: Water Comes in every colour; blue, green, purple, pink, orange, yellow, white.
Red sapphires are known as Ruby. Sapphire promotes creativity, expression, intuition, and mental clarity.
Projective Element: Air Aids communications and building networks. Stone projects gently, and gives stability, improving relationships.
Receptive Element: Air(?) Purifying and clearing; contact and connection to higher powers, intuition and insight.
Receptive Element: Earth/Air Clears clouded chakras, aids meditation. Excellent for female reproductive issues.
Projective Element: Air Balancer of emotions. Aids in meditation. Protective stone. Wisdom from within.
Receptive Element: Water An opener of the ways - connected to the crown and third eye chakra. Lightens the load, and brings out hidden talents.
Projective Element: Fire/Air Promotes happiness, light. Negates fear. Revitalizes energy. Courage.
Projective Element: Earth/Astral A piece of meteorite; this stone aids strongly in lucid and prophetic dreaming, as well as astral projection. A variety of this ore is moldavite, which is a very rare green glass-like material found in some tektites.
Tiger's Eye (Red and Gold)
Projective Element: Fire Protective. Promotes physical energy levels. Prosperity. Courage. Good for making runes.
Tiger Iron (red jasper and hematite)
Projective Element: Fire/Earth Promotes energy, grounding, common sense. Also aids in memory. Topaz
Blue Topaz
Projective Element: Air Enhances psychic knowledge and insight. A stone of leadership.
Imperial Topaz
Projective Element: Air As with blue topaz, but also with a protective energy towards one's home and possessions. Relieves pain from arthritis.
White Topaz
Projective Element: Air Manifestation and success. Individuality. Replacing negative with positive. Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline
Receptive Element: Earth One of the most protective stones around. Absorbs negativity, and acts as an emotional shield. Good for empaths.
Blue Tourmaline
Receptive Element: Water Intuition, perception, communication.
Green Tourmaline
Receptive Element: Earth Prosperity, growth, peaceful sleep.
Projective Element: Earth/Air A bridge between Land and Sky. Lifts energy levels, builds grounded connections to higher planes. Healing and magic.
Receptive Element: Earth Following your heart. Moving beyond ego. Developing intuition.